Carina de Vries

I believe that the right use of technology can create equal opportunities for all in our society. That said, there still is a digital dexterity gap. It is my mission, to support organisations, teams and individuals in closing this gap so all can prosper. With more than 10 years experience in the user adoption area I have worked for leading organisations in public transport, financial services industry, manufacturing and the public sector.

As one of the first female Microsoft user adoption experts in The Netherlands I am frequently asked to speak at seminars or advise organisations on how to close this gap. Besides this I am the co-host of the Hybrid Work Podcast which was nominated for the Best Podcast 2022 Award, Category Business.

Topics I speak about:
>> How to make user adoption stupidly simple
>> IT no longer belongs to IT
>> Hybrid work is all about people
>> How mental health and well-being fit in a hybrid world
>> How to get more women into IT by focusing on the soft side of IT

I am the founder of Workspace Heroes, which is specialised in simplifying scalable IT user adoption and change management. Workspace Heroes is recognised as one of the few Microsoft Solution Designation Partners for Modern Work.


Hoe krijg je blije gebruikers?

Microsoft 365 user adoption: from knowing to doing